Island name and history

Phu Quoc Island (pronounced “Phú Quốc or [fǔ wək]) lies in the south-west of Vietnam, close to Cambodia’s coastline. It is the biggest island in Vietnam to-date, with a total of 574 square kilometers and a permanent population of approximately 103.000 residents. Once a simple native fishing village, since the 18th century, Phu Quoc had started changing when Western geopolitics began their impact.

During the Vietnam war (1953 – 1975), the island housed Phu Quoc prison – the largest prisoner’s camp of South Vietnam, detaining thousands of prisoners of war. The prison remains until today, where you can have a visit and learn more about Vietnam’s wartime history. After years under protectorate from the French, Chinese, South Vietnam and Cambodia, during the 1970s – early 1980s, Phu Quoc Island was officially recognized as an integral part of Vietnam’s territory.
